Friday, September 11, 2015

Jesus is on the move!

Hey guys!
It's been a great summer, full of our kids learning how to swim, going to VBS , Me carrying the cross in the Dominican Republic (DR) and Juleigh and I just got to celebrate our 10 year anniversary  Plus, we have finally gotten our non-profit, Follow the Cross, up and running (more on that in a later blog post). For now, here are some pics from this summer, along with some stories of what God's been doing.

We are Celebrating our 10 year Anniversary
Dominican Republic (DR)

I got the wonderful opportunity to join our Dallas church plant in taking the trip to the DR. Where we got to carry the cross, do children ministry, pray for the sick and encourage our long term team there. It was one of my best trips yet. We saw around 25 people give their lives to Jesus, and 10 people healed! Jesus is on the move in the Dominican!

Most of the days we spent on the streets, praying for people and sharing the Gospel

We spent a day in this village doing children's ministry; they were so sweet.

Cool Testimony
While we were at this outreach, my friends and I were carrying the cross in the village. We were invited under a pavilion, to share what we were doing with the cross, to a group of Haitians. While we were sharing, one of the women that was translating for us, asked if it was normal for her to have pain in her heart and throat when she prayed to Jesus? I felt like God said, "Say, come out, in Jesus name". So I did. My translator didn't even have time to translate. As soon as I laid my hand on her and said "Come out in Jesus name" she screamed, flew back, and fell like she was dead (seriously, it was crazy). All the Haitians screamed (they had no idea what was going on, since she was their translator). It was so intense. After about 5 minutes, she wakes up, with tears in her eyes. She starts telling all the Haitians how Jesus had set her free from a demon and that now she could pray, without pain. While she was testifying, a man walked up and said "I don't want to do bad things anymore." We laid our hands on him, the Holy Spirit came on him, and he started weeping, and he gave his life to Jesus. Praise God!

We got the amazing opportunity to share Jesus with these women that were working a salon. They laid their hands on the cross, and we prayed together that God would provide for them and their families.

Riah and Kanon's first day back to school! Kindergarten and Second grade, here we come!

Here's a goofy pic of us getting to hangout with some of our friends. This summer has been a blast We got to meet with Jesus, spend time with our friends, and get re-envisioned for this next season. God is on the move, and it is exciting that we get to be a part of what He is doing in our nation, and the nations of the world.

More than ever, I feel God is saying that is time to walk the earth with the cross. I feel so envisioned, and I feel like the power of God is moving in a new way on the cross. He is giving me new opportunities to share the message, that God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sins. That whoever believes in Him, will not die, but have everlasting life.
Again, I can't say it enough, thank you for walking with me on this journey. I couldn't take one step without you guys. Let's do this together. Let's take the cross to different nations of the world.

Love you all,

Aric, Juleigh, Riah, and Kanon

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Belize It or Not, It's a New Year!

Happy New Year guys!  Since our last update, we have been in a lot of places... 
  • Belize
  • Honduras
  • Nicaragua
  •  El Salvador
I'm so excited to say that God has really been moving and has been using a lot of different platforms to enable us to share the gospel and pray for people.  We've been walking through streets of thousands of people, speaking at churches and training schools, interviewed for a morning talk show as well as being on various news stations.

Check out this video of us on the Morning talk show in Belize  where we got to share the gospel to a viewing audience of over 200,000 people!

I am so blown away, God is really touching people through the cross.

Here's some pics from our trips.  Hope you enjoy!  Some are silly and some are sweet, as always.

Here's some pics from Belize...

Trying New Tactics!!!

We got to share Jesus at a university in Belize.  There were so many people open to Jesus.

We literally went from table to table sharing with people how they could give their lives to Jesus and praying for them

Pictures from Honduras...

We got to carry the cross in Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras for two days, where we were interviewed by the news again and got to walk with thousands.

My friend Scott McBrayer walked with me every step of the way.  He's the man!                              

 Here are some pics from Nicaragua...

We got to carry the cross through a giant Nativity festival.  There were thousands of people.  We handed out tracts and shared the love of Christ.

Nativity festival was packed.  It was so much fun.  We ran out of tracts in the first 10 minutes.

Here are some pics from El Salvador... 

We got the awesome honor to hook up with YWAM and carry the cross through the streets of San Salvador and minister to kids and gangs. 

This is community is run by a gang.  YWAM is allowed in to do ministry with the kids.  We got to walk through the streets and pray with the gang members until the cops showed up.

Pics from the home front...

Riah and Kanon are doing great!  Loving school and having fun.

Juleigh is stuck in a bubble, what should she do??? No really, she's still there!

We love you guys, happy New Years!  Thank you again for believing in me, for your prayers and support.  Words cant express how much you mean to us.  God Bless you and your family this year.

Love you

Riah, Kanon, Juleigh and Aric